Web Accessibility: WCAG and Section 508 Training

Course duration

  • 2 days

Course Benefits

  • Understand the importance of creating accessible websites.
  • Learn the legal requirements for web accessibility.
  • Learn what it means to make a site "accessible".
  • Learn the four principles of accessibility: "POUR".
  • Learn how to test your web pages for accessibility.
  • Learn the accessibility features of HTML5 and ARIA.
  • Learn to create accessible alternative for images, audio, and multimedia.
  • Learn to create accessible forms, tables, and styles.
  • Learn assistive technologies and adaptive strategies.

Course Outline

  1. Background and Overview of A11Y
    1. An Introduction to Digital Technology
    2. The Layers of Technology
      1. Content
      2. HTML
      3. CSS
      4. JavaScript
    3. Web Accessibility, An Overview
      1. What Is Disability?
      2. What Is Web Accessibility?
      3. Timeline of Web Accessibility Standards
      4. The Four Principles of Accessibility: "POUR"
      5. Why Be Concerned with Web Accessibility?
      6. Key Benefits of Web Accessibility
      7. Accessibility as a Similar Concept to Usability
      8. Assistive Technologies and Adaptive Strategies
      9. Mobile Accessibility
  2. The Laws and Standards
    1. Accessibility is a Civil Right
    2. The Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA
    3. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
      1. The Sixteen Section 508 1194.22 Requirements and Instructions
      2. The 508 "Refresh"
    4. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
      1. 4 Principles "POUR"
      2. 12 Guidelines
      3. 61 Success Criteria
    5. Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act/FCC
  3. Testing and Evaluation: The Accessibility Testing Process
    1. Online Evaluation Tools
      1. Wave
      2. Functional Accessibility Evaluator
    2. Assistive Technology Testing
      1. NVDA and JAWS
      2. Voiceover and Talkback
    3. Accessibility Toolbars and Accessibility Favelets/ Bookmarklets
      1. Web Accessibility Toolbar For IE
      2. Fangs and Claws; Screen Reader Emulators
      3. Favelets/ Bookmarklets for Accessibility Testing
    4. Manual Review
      1. Keyboard-only Testing
    5. The Trusted Tester Program
      1. DHS Section 508 Compliance Testing Tools
  4. The Planning, Evaluation, Repair, and Maintenance Process
    1. Top Mistakes Made in Accessibility Remediation Projects
    2. A11y Problematic Issues
  5. Review - Web Accessibility, WCAG, and Section 508

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following would be useful for this Web Accessibility class:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Experience with server-side web development
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