Introduction to ColdFusion Training

Course duration

  • 3 days

Course Benefits

  • Learn to get data from a database and display it on the page
  • Learn to insert, Edit and Delete records from a database
  • Learn to pass data from one page and receive it on another using HTML Forms
  • Learn to create Dynamic Form Fields including Dynamic Select Lists
  • Learn to build a Search Interface
  • Learn to use Session Variables to provide Password Protection
  • Learn to call ColdFusion Components (CFCs) and Custom Tags
Available Delivery Methods
Public Class
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Private Class
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to ColdFusion
    1. Static pages vs. Dynamic pages
    2. Server-side Web Technologies
    3. Database Alphabet Soup: ODBC/JDBC, DSNs and SQL
    4. Course Objectives and Prerequisites
    5. Introduction to Course Project
  2. ColdFusion Basics
    1. Using CFML
      1. Code Editors
      2. Dreamweaver Interface
      3. Tag Updaters / Extensions
      4. Tag Editing Dialog Boxes
    2. Embedded Tag Help
    3. Using ColdFusion Comments
    4. Creating Variables
      1. <cfset> and <cfoutput>
    5. Variable Scope/Prefixes
    6. Built-in ColdFusion Functions
      1. CF Function Reference (Dreamweaver specific)
      2. Online Reference (
      3. Tip: (
    7. Using <cfinclude> to reuse code
  3. Dynamic Data: Querying the Database
    1. Database Basics
      1. Introduction to SQL
      2. Select Statement
      3. Update Statement
      4. Insert Statement
      5. Delete Statement
      6. Data Source Name (DSN) / Remote Development Server (RDS)
      7. The DSN Used in This Class: movieList
    2. Course Project Database
    3. Querying the database with <cfquery>
      1. <cfdump> for Quick Output
    4. Customizing Display with <cfoutput>
      1. Building Dynamic Tables
      2. Shortcut: <cftable>
      3. Shortcut: Dynamic Table Tool (in Dreamweaver)
  4. Creating a Drill-down Interface
    1. Passing Variables between Pages
      1. "Two-page method"
    2. Receive Variables through the URL
      1. Using a WHERE clause in a SQL Statement
      2. Protecting Against SQL Injection Attacks with <cfqueryparam>
  5. Conditional Statements and Forms
    1. Conditional Statements
      1. <cfif>, <cfelseif> and <cfelse>
      2. Comparison Operators
      3. Operator
      4. Description
      5. Using the isDefined() function
    2. HTML Form Review
    3. Self-Submitting Forms
      1. Using the <cfparam> tag to set a default value
      2. Quick Examination of a ColdFusion Framework (Methodology): Fusebox
    4. Dynamically Populating Select Lists
      1. HTML Review: <select> tags
      2. Introducing the <cfform> Tag
      3. Shortcut: <cfselect>
  6. Quick Introduction to RSS and Ajax with <cfform>
    1. Reading an RSS Feed
    2. Introducing the <cfform> Tag
    3. Building a Mask with <cfform>
    4. Automatically Build a Dynamic Select List with <cfselect>
  7. Search Interface
    1. Creating a Search Interface
      1. Using % and _ in a LIKE Statement
  8. Insert Records into the Database
    1. Inserting Records
      1. SQL Insert Statement
      2. Insert Record Step 2 - the Insert
      3. Shortcut: <cfinsert>
      4. Redirect Users with <cflocation>
    2. Automated Form Validation
      1. Client-side vs. Server-side validation: When does the validation code run?
  9. Edit (Update) Database Records
    1. Updating records
      1. SQL UPDATE Statement Review
      2. Passing the Primary Key
      3. Page 2 - View Current Data in a Form
      4. Page 3 - Perform the Update to the Database
      5. Shortcut: <cfupdate>
    2. Deleting Records
      1. Note on Deleting records
      2. Review of the SQL Delete Statement
      3. "Deleting" without deleting
      4. No <cfdelete>!
  10. Reusing Code
    1. Reusing code with <cfinclude> and <cflocation>
    2. Custom Tags
      1. Where to store Custom Tags
      2. CALLER and ATTRIBUTE scopes
      3. Using <cfmodule>
      4. A Note about CFX tags
    3. User Defined Functions (UDFs) and ColdFusion Components (CFCs)
      1. Creating UDFs with the <cffunction> tag
      2. Using ColdFusion Components (CFCs)
    4. Creating Components
      1. Calling or Invoking Components
      2. Passing Arguments to Components
      3. The Component Code
      4. The main CFML page
      5. View a Component directly in the browser
  11. Using Session Variables for Password Protection
    1. Session Variables
      1. Using Application.cfc to Enable Session Management
      2. Creating Password Protected Pages
      3. Password-protect.cfm (the included page)
      4. Application.cfm
      5. Locking Session and Application variables with <cflock>
  12. Tracking User Information with Cookies (optional)
    1. Using Cookies to Track Users
  13. Sending email with <cfmail> (optional)
    1. Using ColdFusion to Send Email
      1. <cfmail> Tag Syntax

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this ColdFusion class:

  • HTML

Experience in the following would be useful for this ColdFusion class:

  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
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