Advanced Google Ads Training

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn how to optimize your keywords list.
  • Learn how to leverage dynamic keyword insertion in Google Ads.
  • Learn how to optimize your Ad campaigns by using geo-targeting.
  • Learn how to advertise on Google's Content Network.
  • Learn how to optimize your Ads using advanced settings in Google Ads.
  • Learn how to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads.
  • Learn how to integrate and leverage Google Analytics with Google Ads.

Course Outline

  1. Advertising on Google's Display Network
    1. Understanding Google's Display Network
    2. How Does Advertising on the Display Network Work?
    3. A Few Things You Should Know About the Display Ads
    4. How to Leverage Content Network in Google Ads
    5. Automatic Placement
    6. Targeted Placement
  2. Introduction to Google+ Local
    1. Overview of Location-based Ad Services
    2. How to Leverage Google+ Local
    3. Obtaining Insights from Google+ Local Dashboard
  3. Optimizing Your Keywords Strategy for Ads
    1. Keywords Optimization Strategy
    2. Long-Tail vs Short-Tail Keywords
    3. Using Broad Match Modifiers
    4. Application Broad Match Identifier in Google Ads
    5. Keywords Diagnosis in Ads
    6. Optimizing Your Keywords Research
    7. Leveraging the Google Keyword Planner Tool
    8. Demo for the Google Keyword Planner
    9. Learning from Organic Keywords
    10. Introduction
    11. Implementing Dynamic Keyword Insertion
    12. How Dynamic Keyword Insertion Works
    13. Managing Case Sensitivity for Dynamically Inserted Keywords
    14. Application Dynamic Keyword Insertion in Google Ads
  4. Optimizing Ads Campaigns
    1. Geographic Targeting in Google Ads
    2. What Is Geographic Targeting?
    3. How Google Offers Geo Targeting
    4. Implementing Geographic Targeting in Ads
    5. Application of Geo Targeting
    6. Inserting Your Address into Your Ad Copy
    7. Leveraging Ads Campaign Experiments
    8. Introduction to Experiments and Its Advantages
    9. Step 1: Setting Up an Experiment
    10. Step 2: Defining Parameters
    11. Step 3: Viewing and Changing Experiment Parameters
    12. Step 4: Starting and Stopping Your Experiments
    13. Step 5: Interpreting Experiment Data
    14. Application of Experiments
  5. Optimizing Ads
    1. Using Image Ads in Ads
    2. Getting Started
    3. Controlling Your Ad Delivery in Google Ads
    4. Ad Scheduling and Ad Delivery
    5. Application of Ad Scheduling
    6. Controlling Who Sees Your Ad
    7. IP Exclusion Tool
    8. Application IP Exclusion Tool
    9. Viewing Your Change History
    10. Ads and YouTube
    11. Showing Your Ads on YouTube
    12. Linking Your Ads on YouTube
    13. Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool
    14. Leveraging the Ad Sitelinks in Ads Ads
  6. Conversion Tracking in Google Ads
    1. Why to Track Conversions and How Conversion Tracking Works
    2. Implementing Conversion Tracking in Google Ads
    3. Setting up a New Conversion in Ads
    4. Validating Conversion in Ads
    5. Enabling the Conversions Report in Ads
  7. Leveraging the Ads Report in Google Analytics
    1. Tracking Online Marketing Campaigns through Google Analytics
    2. Overview of Ads Metrics
    3. Application of Ads Metrics
    4. Measuring Campaign Performance in Google Analytics
    5. Day Parts Report
    6. Application of the Day Parts Report in Google Analytics
    7. Destination URLs Report
    8. Keyword Positions Report
    9. Application of the Keyword Positions Report in Google Analytics

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Google Ads class:

  • Basic Google Ads experience
Prerequisite Courses

Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:

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