Kafka for Application Modernization Training

Course duration

  • 2 days

Course Benefits

  • Understand the use of Kafka for high performance messaging.
  • Identify the usages for Kafka in Microservices.
  • Explain the benefits of Kafka patterns.
  • Differentiate between messaging and message brokers.
  • Describe Kafka messaging environments.
  • Develop producers and consumers for Kafka.
  • Recognize how Kafka enables Cloud-native applications.
  • Summarize characteristics and architecture for Kafka.
  • Demonstrate how to process messages with Kafka.
  • Design distributed high throughput systems based on Kafka.
  • Describe the built-in partitioning, replication and inherent fault-tolerance of Kafka.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to KAFKA
    1. Messaging Architectures – What is Messaging?
    2. Messaging Architectures – Steps to Messaging
    3. Messaging Architectures – Messaging Models
    4. What is Kafka?
    5. What is Kafka? (Contd.)
    6. Kafka Overview
    7. Need for Kafka
    8. When to Use Kafka?
    9. Kafka Architecture
    10. Core concepts in Kafka
    11. Kafka Topic
    12. Kafka Partitions
    13. Kafka Producer
    14. Kafka Consumer
    15. Kafka Broker
    16. Kafka Cluster
    17. Why Kafka Cluster?
    18. Sample Multi-Broker Cluster
    19. Overview of ZooKeeper
    20. Kafka Cluster & ZooKeeper
    21. Who Uses Kafka?
    22. Summary
  2. Using Apache Kafka
    1. Installing Apache Kafka
    2. Configuration Files
    3. Starting Kafka
    4. Using Kafka Command Line Client Tools
    5. Setting up a Multi-Broker Cluster
    6. Using Multi-Broker Cluster
    7. Kafka Connect
    8. Kafka Connect – Configuration Files
    9. Using Kafka Connect to Import/Export Data
    10. Creating a Spring Boot Producer
    11. Adding Kafka dependency to pom.xml
    12. Defining a Spring Boot Service to Send Message(s)
    13. Defining a Spring Boot Controller
    14. Testing the Spring Boot Producer
    15. Creating a Nodejs Consumer
    16. Summary
  3. Building Data Pipelines
    1. Building Data Pipelines
    2. Considerations When Building Data Pipelines
    3. Timeliness
    4. Reliability
    5. High and Varying Throughput
    6. High and Varying Throughput (Contd.)
    7. Data Formats
    8. Data Formats (Contd.)
    9. Transformations
    10. Transformations (Contd.)
    11. Security
    12. Failure Handling
    13. Coupling and Agility
    14. Ad-hoc Pipelines
    15. Loss of Metadata
    16. Extreme Processing
    17. Kafka Connect Versus Producer and Consumer
    18. Kafka Connect Versus Producer and Consumer (Contd.)
    19. Summary
  4. Integrating Kafka with Other Systems
    1. Introduction to Kafka Integration
    2. Kafka Connect
    3. Kafka Connect (Contd.)
    4. Running Kafka Connect
    5. Key Configurations for Connect workers:
    6. Kafka Connect API
    7. Kafka Connect Example – File Source
    8. Kafka Connect Example – File Sink
    9. Kafka Connector Example – MySQL to Elasticsearch
    10. Kafka Connector Example – MySQL to Elasticsearch (Contd.)
    11. Write the data to Elasticsearch
    12. Building Custom Connectors
    13. Kafka Connect – Connectors
    14. Kafka Connect - Tasks
    15. Kafka Connect - Workers
    16. Kafka Connect – Workers (Contd.)
    17. Kafka Connect - Converters and Connect’s data model
    18. Kafka Connect - Offset management
    19. Alternatives to Kafka Connect
    20. Alternatives to Kafka Connect (Contd.)
    21. Introduction to Storm
    22. Other Components of Spark
    23. Integrating Storm with Kafka
    24. Integrating Storm with Kafka – Sample Code
    25. Integrating Storm with Kafka
    26. Introduction to Hadoop
    27. Hadoop Components
    28. Integrating Hadoop with Kafka
    29. Hadoop Consumers
    30. Hadoop Consumers (Contd.)
    31. Hadoop Consumers (Contd.)
    32. Hadoop Consumers – Produce Topic
    33. Hadoop Consumers – Fetch Generated Topic
    34. Summary
  5. Kafka Security
    1. Kafka Security
    2. Encryption and Authentication using SSL
    3. Encryption and Authentication using SSL (Contd.)
    4. Configuring Kafka Brokers
    5. Configuring Kafka Brokers – Optional Settings
    6. Authenticating Using SASL
    7. Authenticating Using SASL – Configuring Kafka Brokers
    8. Authenticating Using SASL – Configuring Kafka Brokers (Contd.)
    9. Authorization and ACLs
    10. Authorization and ACLs (Contd.)
    11. Securing a Running Cluster
    12. Securing a Running Cluster (Contd.)
    13. ZooKeeper Authentication
    14. ZooKeeper Authentication (Contd.)
    15. Summary
  6. Monitoring Kafka
    1. Introduction
    2. Metrics Basics
    3. JVM Monitoring
    4. Garbage collection
    5. Garbage Collection (Contd.)
    6. Java OS monitoring
    7. OS Monitoring
    8. OS Monitoring (Contd.)
    9. Kafka Broker Metrics
    10. Under-Replicated Partitions
    11. Active controller count
    12. Request handler idle ratio
    13. Intelligent Thread Usage
    14. All topics bytes in
    15. All topics bytes out
    16. All topics messages in
    17. Partition count
    18. Leader count
    19. Offline partitions
    20. Request metrics
    21. Request Metrics (Contd.)
    22. Logging
    23. Logging (Contd.)
    24. Client Monitoring
    25. Producer Metrics
    26. Overall producer metrics
    27. Overall producer metrics (Contd.)
    28. Per-broker and per-topic metrics
    29. Consumer Metrics
    30. Fetch Manager Metrics
    31. Per-broker and per-topic metrics
    32. Consumer coordinator metrics
    33. Quotas
    34. Quotas (Contd.)
    35. Lag Monitoring
    36. Lag Monitoring (Contd.)
    37. End-to-End Monitoring
    38. Summary
  7. Kafka Operational Aspects
    1. Kafka Administration
    2. Kafka Cluster Management
    3. Kafka Replica Distribution
    4. Partition Reassignment
    5. Partition Reassignment (Contd.)
    6. Kafka Topic Management
    7. Kafka Topic Management (Contd.)
    8. Kafka Cluster Mirroring
    9. Kafka Cluster Mirroring (Contd.)
    10. Integration with Other Tools
    11. Summary

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following would be useful for this Microservices class:

  • Basic understanding of messaging, cloud, development, architecture, and virtualization would be beneficial.
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