Introduction to Version Control with Git

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn how to use Git for efficiently managing version control in software development.
  • Learn the importance of version control.
  • Learn the purpose of Git.
  • Learn how to work with Git and manage workflows.
  • Learn how to work with history in workflows.
  • Learn advanced techniques.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Version Control
    1. What is Version Control
    2. "Undo" Capability
    3. Collaboration
    4. Communication and Sharing
    5. Auditing and Tracking
    6. Release Engineering, Maintenance, SDLC
    7. Diagnostics
    8. History of Version Control
    9. Distributed Version Control
    10. Summary
  2. Introduction to Git
    1. What is Git
    2. Git's Design Goals
    3. Branching and Merging
    4. Centralized Version Control
    5. Distributed Version Control
    6. Git Basics
    7. Getting Git
    8. Git on the Server
    9. Git Repository Managers
    10. Git on Somebody Else's Server
    11. Summary
  3. Basic Git Operations
    1. Using Git
    2. Definitions
    3. Commit
    4. How to Think About Commits
    5. Viewing History
    6. Configuring Git
    7. Configuration Scope
    8. User Identification
    9. GPG Signing
    10. Gnu Privacy Guard
    11. GPG Basics
    12. GPG and Git
    13. .gitignore
    14. Other Useful Configurations
    15. Summary
  4. Branching, Merging and Remotes
    1. Branching
    2. Branches in Git
    3. Merge
    4. Fast Forward Merge
    5. --no-ff
    6. More Than One Repository
    7. Working with Remotes
    8. Fetch and Pull
    9. Push
    10. Pull Requests
    11. Tagging a Commit
    12. Lightweight Tags
    13. Annotated Tags
    14. Sharing Tags
    15. Checking Out a Tag
    16. Summary
  5. Git Work Flows
    1. Work Flows
    2. Local Work Flow
    3. Feature Branches
    4. Centralized Workflow
    5. Integration Manager Work Flow
    6. Other Work Flows Are Possible
    7. Summary
  6. Introduction to GitFlow
    1. What is GitFlow
    2. Benefits
    3. How GitFlow works?
    4. GitFlow Extension
    5. Initializing GitFlow
    6. Features
    7. Release
    8. Hotfixes
    9. Summary
  7. Rewriting History
    1. Rewriting History
    2. Squashing Commits
    3. Rebase vs Merge
    4. Amending Commits
    5. Reset
    6. Summary
  8. Examining History
    1. Looking at History
    2. Log
    3. Blame
    4. Bisect
    5. Summary
  9. Submodules and Subtrees
    1. Submodules
    2. Dependency Management
    3. Git Submodules
    4. Adding a Submodule
    5. .gitmodules
    6. Cloning a Repository with Submodules
    7. Updating Submodules (Initial)
    8. Updating Submodules (Ongoing)
    9. Subtrees
    10. Subtrees – How They Work
    11. Subtrees
    12. Conclusion
  10. Configuring Git
    1. Advanced Configuration
    2. Advanced Configuration Variables
    3. Environment Variables
    4. Aliases
    5. Git Hooks
    6. Summary
  11. Lab Exercises
    1. Lab 1. Starting Out with Git
    2. Lab 2. Branching, Merging and Working with Remotes
    3. Lab 3. Experimenting with Workflows
    4. Lab 4. Using the GitFlow Workflow
    5. Lab 5. Rebasing and Rewriting History
    6. Lab 6. Git Submodules
    7. Lab 7. (Optional) GitFlow Workflow With the GitFlow Extensions

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Git class:

  • Basic computer (Windows or Mac or Linux) literacy.
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