XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Training

Course duration

  • 3 days

Course Benefits

  • Learn to use XPath to access XML elements and attributes
  • Learn to loop through XML elements
  • Learn to use conditionals in XSLT
  • Learn to create and call templates
  • Learn to work with multiple XSLTs
  • Learn to reference external XML documents
Available Delivery Methods
Public Class
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Private Class
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.

Course Outline

  1. XSLT Basics
    1. eXtensible Stylesheet Language
    2. An XSLT Stylesheet
      1. xsl:template
      2. xsl:value-of
      3. Whitespace and xsl:text
    3. Output Types
      1. Text
      2. XML
      3. HTML and XHTML
    4. XSLT Elements and Attributes
      1. xsl:element
      2. xsl:attribute
      3. Attributes and Curly Brackets
  2. XPath Path Expressions
    1. XPath in XSLT
    2. XPath Expression
    3. XPath Terminology
      1. Context Node
      2. Current Node
      3. Context Size
      4. Proximity Position
    4. Location Paths
    5. Axis
    6. Node Test
    7. Predicate
    8. Accessing Nodes
    9. Abbreviated Syntax
  3. XPath Language Basics
    1. XPath Functions
    2. XPath Operators
    3. XPath Data Types
    4. XPath Expressions
      1. for Expressions
      2. if-then-else Expressions
  4. Flow Control in XSLT
    1. Looping in XSLT
    2. Sorting with XSLT
    3. Looping and Sorting
    4. Conditions with XSLT
  5. XSLT Templates, Parameters and Variables
    1. xsl:apply-templates
    2. xsl:call-template
    3. Passing Parameters
    4. Removing Content
    5. Template Modes
    6. Template Priority
      1. Default Priorities
      2. Assigning Priorities
    7. XSLT Variables
  6. Multiple XML and XSLT Documents
    1. Including XSLTs
    2. Importing XSLTs
    3. Conflict resolution
    4. The document() Function
    5. The collection() Function
    6. Multiple Result Documents
  7. Grouping
    1. The xsl:group Element
    2. Grouping by Value
    3. Grouping Adjacent Elements
    4. Grouping by Starting and Ending Elements
  8. Regular Expressions
    1. Regular Expression Syntax in XSLT
    2. The xsl:analyze-string Element
    3. Built-in Functions that Use Regular Expressions
  9. User-Defined Functions
    1. The xsl:function Element
    2. Function Names and Parameters
    3. Calling User-Defined Functions
  10. Advanced XSLT Techniques
    1. Working with Namespaces
      1. What Are Namespaces?
      2. Declaring Namespaces in XSLT
      3. Namespace Declarations and XPath Expressions
    2. Working with Keys
      1. Key Basics
        1. <xsl:key/>
        2. The key() Function
        3. Improving Performance with Keys
          1. Cross References
          2. The Key Way
      2. The generate-id() Function
    3. Working with Numbered Lists
      1. The position() function
      2. xsl:number
    4. Outputting Processing Instructions
    5. Copying Nodes
      1. xsl:copy
      2. xsl:copy-of
  11. Tying It All Together
    1. Workshop: Sharing data and transforming it for the Web

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this XML class:

  • Basic XML
Prerequisite Courses

Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:

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