Introduction to XML Training

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn to create well-formed XML documents.
  • Learn the difference between HTML and XHTML.
  • Learn to create basic DTDs.
  • Learn to create basic XML schemas.
  • Learn to validate XML documents against DTDs and XML schemas.
  • Learn to create basic XSLTs to transform XML documents for output as text, HTML, and other XML structures.
Available Delivery Methods
Public Class
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Private Class
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.
Learn at your own pace with 24/7 access to an On-Demand course.

Course Outline

  1. XML Basics
    1. What is XML?
    2. XML Benefits
      1. XML Holds Data, Nothing More
      2. XML Separates Structure from Formatting
      3. XML Promotes Data Sharing
      4. XML is Human-Readable
      5. XML is Free
    3. XML in Practice
      1. Content Management
      2. Web Services
      3. RDF / RSS Feeds
    4. XML Documents
      1. The Prolog
      2. Elements
      3. Attributes
      4. CDATA
      5. Whitespace
      6. XML Syntax Rules
      7. Special Characters
    5. Creating a Simple XML File
  2. DTDs
    1. Well-formed vs. Valid
    2. The Purpose of DTDs
    3. Creating DTDs
      1. The Document Element
      2. Other Elements
      3. Choice of Elements
      4. Empty Elements
      5. Mixed Content
      6. Location of Modifier
      7. Using Parentheses for Complex Declarations
      8. Declaring Attributes
    4. Validating an XML Document with a DTD
  3. XML Schema Basics
    1. The Purpose of XML Schema
    2. The Power of XML Schema
    3. A First Look
      1. A Simple XML Schema
    4. Validating an XML Instance Document
  4. Simple-Type Elements
    1. Overview
    2. Built-in Simple Types
      1. 19 Primitive Data Types
      2. Built-in Derived Data Types
      3. Defining a Simple-type Element
    3. User-derived Simple Types
      1. Applying Facets
      2. Controlling Length
      3. Specifying Patterns
      4. Working with Numbers
      5. Enumerations
      6. Whitespace-handling
    4. Specifying Element Type Locally
    5. Nonatomic Types
      1. Lists
      2. Unions
    6. Declaring Global Simple-Type Elements
      1. Global vs. Local Simple-Type Elements
    7. Default Values
    8. Fixed Values
    9. Nil Values
  5. XSLT Basics
    1. eXtensible Stylesheet Language
    2. An XSLT Stylesheet
      1. xsl:template
      2. xsl:value-of
      3. Whitespace and xsl:text
    3. Output Types
      1. Text
      2. XML
      3. HTML
    4. Elements and Attributes
      1. xsl:element
      2. xsl:attribute
      3. Attributes and Curly Brackets

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following would be useful for this XML class:

  • HTML
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