Progressive Web Application Development Using Entity Framework Core and Blazor Training

Course duration

  • 3 days

Course Benefits

  • Install and use the Entity Framework package to work with databases on the server-side
  • Install packages required to develop the client-side Blazor applications
  • Use components, service & dependency injection, layout, and routing
  • Enable the Progressive Web Apps features in an application by creating service workers
  • Use the Progressive Web Apps features, such as push notifications and storage with IndexedDB
Available Delivery Methods
Public Class
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Private Class
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Blazor, Entity Framework Core, and Progressive Web Apps
    1. What is Microsoft Blazor
    2. What is Entity Framework Core
    3. What is Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
    4. Relationship between C#, LINQ, Entity Framework Core, JavaScript, HTML, and Razor
    5. Comparing Blazor to Angular and React
  2. Installing the Packages and Working with Git
    1. Blazor
    2. Entity Framework Core
    3. ODP.NET for Oracle
    4. Working with Git on Azure DevOps Services
  3. Getting Started with Entity Framework Core
    1. Entity Framework Core Overview
    2. Installing Entity Framework Core
    3. Modelling using Code First
    4. Modelling using Database First
    5. Using Fluent API
  4. Querying and Saving Data with Entity Framework Core
    1. Basic Queries with LINQ
    2. Calling Stored Procedures
    3. Using Include and Then Include
    4. Controlling the Tracking Behaviour
    5. Saving changes
    6. Performing Bulk Insert
    7. Implementing Transactions
  5. Getting Started with Blazor
    1. Creating a Blazor Hello World Application
    2. Understanding the Razor fundamentals
  6. Working with Blazor Components
    1. Working with Components in Blazor
    2. Using C# in Components
    3. Parameterize Components
    4. Understanding Component Life Cycle
    5. Binding: One-way data binding
    6. Binding: Two-way data binding
    7. Binding: Event binding
  7. Advanced Blazor Component Concepts
    1. Render Raw HTML
    2. Render Child Content
    3. Using RenderFragment
    4. Using RenderTreeBuilder
    5. Using &key and &attribute
  8. Layout and Routing
    1. Creating a Master Layout
    2. Implementing Routing
    3. Using URL Helpers
  9. Forms and Validation
    1. Using EditForm
    2. Implementing Form Validation
    3. Using &ref
    4. Routing
  10. Dependency Injection & JSInterop
    1. Understanding Dependency Injection (DI)
    2. DI with Default Service
    3. DI with Custom Service
    4. Call a JavaScript Function
    5. Call C# from JavaScript
  11. Debugging & Deployment
    1. Debugging a Blazor Application
    2. Deploying a Blazor Application
    3. Upgrading a Blazor Application
  12. Securing a Blazor Application
    1. Blazor Authentication
    2. Using ASP.NET Core Identity and JWT
  13. Best Practices
    1. Project Structure
    2. Optimizing the Startup Time
    3. Optimizing Rendering Performance
    4. Optimizing the Application Download Size
  14. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Overview
    1. Understanding the features of a progressive web app
    2. Getting started with a Blazor PWA
    3. When to create offline apps
    4. Using Service Workers
    5. Customizing the application appearance
    6. Adding Push Notifications
    7. Controlling Caching

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this ASP.NET class:

  • Familiarity with .NET and C#.

Experience in the following would be useful for this ASP.NET class:

  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript is useful but not necessary.
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