Excel: VBA Programming Training

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn to use VBA within Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Certified Partner

Webucator is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions (CPLS). Our curriculum has been tested and approved by ProCert Labs, the official tester of Microsoft courseware, and has been found to meet the highest industry standards of instructional quality.

Microsoft Silver Certified Partner

Course Outline

  1. Visual Basic Editor
    1. Visual Basic for Applications
    2. Object Programming
    3. Event Procedures and Macros
      1. Event Procedures
      2. Macros
    4. Using Help
      1. Getting Help in the Object Browser
    5. Using the Visual Basic Editor in Excel
    6. Saving and Running a Procedure
  2. Programming Basics
    1. Data Basics
    2. Scope of Variables
      1. Reserving a Procedure-level Variable
    3. Naming Variables
      1. Selecting the Appropriate Data Type and Name for a Variable
    4. Using Variables to Accept User Input
      1. Reserving a Procedure-level String Variable
      2. The InputBox Function
      3. Concatenating Strings
  3. Control Structures
    1. Decision Structures
      1. Using the If Then Else Statement
      2. Nesting If Then Else Statements
    2. Using the Selection Structure in Excel
    3. Coding the Calculator Procedure
    4. The Select Case statement
      1. The Select Case Statement
  4. Custom Dialog Boxes
    1. User Forms
    2. Adding a Form
      1. The Toolbox
      2. Sizing, Moving, Deleting, and Restoring a Control
    3. Using the Custom Dialog Boxes in Excel
      1. Adding a Form
      2. Control Properties
    4. The Update Inventory Dialog Box
  5. Debugging and Error Handling
    1. Errors
    2. Automation and Error Trapping
      1. Using the GetObject Function
      2. Intercepting and Handling Run-time Errors
      3. Preventing Multiple Instances of an Application
    3. Using Automation and Error Trapping in Excel
      1. Modifying the OpenMemo Procedure

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this VBA class:

  • Expertise in Microsoft Excel
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Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.