PowerShell for SharePoint Administrators

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn to configure SharePoint Servers using PowerShell.
  • Learn to manage SharePoint Server Administration with PowerShell.
  • Learn to manage SharePoint Server Maintenance with PowerShell.

Course Outline

  1. Install and Configure SharePoint Servers with PowerShell
    1. Overview
    2. Preparing the Server
    3. Configure Server Features
    4. Configure Prerequisite Applications
    5. Install SharePoint Software
    6. Configure SharePoint Farm
    7. Review
    8. Lab 1: Configure SharePoint Servers with PowerShell
    9. Preparing the Server
    10. Configure Server Features
    11. Configure Prerequisite Applications
    12. Install SharePoint Software
    13. Configure SharePoint Farm
    14. Installation and Configuration Review (Optional)
  2. Administering SharePoint Servers with PowerShell
    1. Overview
    2. Administering Users and Groups
    3. Administering the Farm
    4. Administering Shared Services & Features
    5. Administering Sites
    6. Administering Databases
    7. Review
    8. Lab 1: Administering SharePoint Servers with PowerShell
    9. Administering Users and Groups
    10. Administering the Farm
    11. Administering Shared Services & Features
    12. Administering Sites
    13. Administering Databases
    14. Administration Review (Optional)
  3. Maintaining SharePoint Servers with PowerShell
    1. Overview
    2. Managing Backups / Restores
    3. Monitoring and Auditing
    4. Managing Notifications
    5. Scheduling Tasks
    6. Review
    7. Lab 1: Maintaining SharePoint Servers with PowerShell
    8. Managing Backups / Restores
    9. Monitoring and Auditing
    10. Managing Notifications
    11. Scheduling Tasks
    12. Maintenance Review (Optional)

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this SharePoint class:

  • Experience working on Windows desktops or servers.
  • Experience working in a Windows domain environment.
  • Experience Administering SharePoint Servers.
  • Fundamental experience with PowerShell or Course 10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell.
Prerequisite Courses

Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:

Since its founding in 1995, InterSource has been providing high quality and highly customized training solutions to clients worldwide. With over 500 course titles constantly updated and numerous course customization and creation possibilities, we have the capability to meet your I.T. training needs.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.