Intermediate Microsoft Word 2013 Training

Course duration

  • 8.0 hours

Course Benefits

  • Learn to use Word's advanced editing tools.
  • Learn to work with images, including placing and sizing images, wrapping text around images, and using borders and effects.
  • Learn to adjust page orientation and layout.
  • Learn to work with columns.
  • Learn to work with page and section breaks.
  • Learn about document views, using the navigation pane, and viewing multiple windows.
Available Delivery Methods
Learn at your own pace with 24/7 access to an On-Demand course.
Microsoft Certified Partner

Webucator is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions (CPLS). Our curriculum has been tested and approved by ProCert Labs, the official tester of Microsoft courseware, and has been found to meet the highest industry standards of instructional quality.

Microsoft Silver Certified Partner

Course Outline

  1. Advanced Formatting
    1. Shading and Borders
    2. Using Shading and Borders
    3. Setting Line and Paragraph Spacing
    4. Changing Styles
      1. Benefits of Styles
      2. Setting a New Style Set as Default
      3. Resolving Multi-Document Style Conflicts
      4. Customizing Settings for Existing Styles
      5. Creating Character-Specific Styles
      6. Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts to Styles
      7. Copy Styles from Template to Template Using the Styles Organizer
    5. Changing Styles
    6. Paragraph Marks and Other Formatting Symbols
    7. Using Formatting Symbols
    8. Editing PDF Documents in Microsoft Word
  2. Working with Tables
    1. Inserting a Table
      1. Converting Tables to Text
      2. Adding a Table Title
      3. Modifying Table Fonts
      4. Sorting Table Data
      5. Setting Cell Margins
      6. Modifying Table Dimensions
      7. Merging Cells
      8. Applying Formulas to a Table
      9. Ink Equations
    2. Insert a Table
    3. Table Styles
    4. Adding Styles to a Table
    5. Formatting a Table
  3. Working with Images
    1. Inserting Images
      1. Adding Quick Styles to Images
    2. Insert an Image into a Microsoft Word Document
    3. Placing and Sizing Images
    4. Place and Size an Image in a Microsoft Word Document
    5. Wrapping Text around an Image
    6. Wrapping Text around an Image
    7. Adjusting Images
    8. Adjusting Images in Microsoft Word
    9. Borders and Effects
    10. Adding Borders and Effects to Images in Microsoft Word
  4. Page Layout
    1. Orientation and Paper Size
    2. Using Live Layout and Alignment Guides
      1. Live Layout
      2. Alignment Guides
    3. Working with Columns
    4. Changing the Page Setup
    5. Advanced Formatting
      1. Set Character Space Options
      2. Set Advanced Character Attributes
      3. Add Linked Text Boxes
    6. Working with Fields
      1. Add Custom Fields
      2. Modify Field Properties
      3. Create Custom Field Formats
      4. Add Field Controls
      5. Link to External Data
    7. Page and Section Breaks
      1. Preventing Orphans
      2. Adding Page and Section Breaks
    8. Adding Page and Section Breaks
  5. Working with Illustrations
    1. Adding and Editing Charts
    2. Working with Charts
    3. Working with Clip Art
    4. Working with Clip Art
    5. Using Shapes
      1. Positioning Shapes
      2. Shape Formatting
      3. Wrapping Text Around Shapes
    6. Working with Icons
      1. Using 3D Models
    7. Adding Shapes
    8. Working with SmartArt
      1. Inserting SmartArt
      2. Modifying SmartArt
      3. Positioning SmartArt
    9. Working with SmartArt
    10. Creating Captions
      1. Modify Caption Properties
      2. Using Cross-References
    11. Using Building Blocks
      1. Inserting Text Boxes
      2. Moving Building Blocks between Documents
      3. Editing Building Block Properties
    12. Inserting a Building Block in a Document
  6. Viewing Your Documents
    1. Document Views
      1. Viewing Document Pages Side to Side
      2. The Resume Reading Feature
    2. Using the Navigation Pane
      1. Use Show/Hide
    3. Using the Navigation Pane
    4. Multiple Windows
    5. Working with Multiple Windows

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Microsoft Word class:

  • Basic Microsoft Word 2013 skills
Prerequisite Courses

Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:

Follow-on Courses
Since its founding in 1995, InterSource has been providing high quality and highly customized training solutions to clients worldwide. With over 500 course titles constantly updated and numerous course customization and creation possibilities, we have the capability to meet your I.T. training needs.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.