Using VLOOKUP in Microsoft Excel

Course duration

  • 7.0 hours

Course Benefits

  • Using the LOOKUP functions.
  • Using Excel features that are helpful when using VLOOKUP.
Available Delivery Methods
Learn at your own pace with 24/7 access to an On-Demand course.
Microsoft Certified Partner

Webucator is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions (CPLS). Our curriculum has been tested and approved by ProCert Labs, the official tester of Microsoft courseware, and has been found to meet the highest industry standards of instructional quality.

Microsoft Silver Certified Partner

Course Outline

  1. Microsoft Excel LOOKUP Functions
  2. Using the VLOOKUP Function
  3. Things to Know when Using VLOOKUP
  4. Excel Features that are Helpful when Using VLOOKUP
  5. Exercise: Using an Absolute Reference
  6. Named Ranges
  7. Exercise: Using Named Ranges in Formulas
  8. And Function
  9. Exercise 1: Use VLOOKUP to Add a Product Description and Price
  10. Exercise 2: Use Absolute References within VLOOKUP
  11. Exercise 3: Use VLOOKUP to Obtain Letter Grades
  12. Exercise 4: Use VLOOKUP to Add Employee Information
  13. Exercise 5: Use VLOOKUP to Add Employee Phone Numbers
  14. Exercise 6: Use a Commission Table
  15. Exercise 7: Use Named Ranges to Merge Data

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

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Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.