Introduction to Microsoft Access 2013

Course duration

  • 21.0 hours

Course Benefits

  • Gain an understanding of database concepts and terminology.
  • Learn about the Access interface.
  • Learn to work with table views, queries, forms, reports, and macros and modules.
  • Learn to plan a database.
  • Learn database design fundamentals.
  • Learn to work with forms and the Form Wizard.
  • Learn to work with reports and the Report Wizard.
Available Delivery Methods
Learn at your own pace with 24/7 access to an On-Demand course.
Microsoft Certified Partner

Webucator is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions (CPLS). Our curriculum has been tested and approved by ProCert Labs, the official tester of Microsoft courseware, and has been found to meet the highest industry standards of instructional quality.

Microsoft Silver Certified Partner

Course Outline

  1. Quick Overview of the Access User Interface
    1. Access Ribbon
      1. FILE
      2. Save a Database as a Template
      3. HOME
      4. CREATE
      7. Contextual Tabs
    2. Quick Access Toolbar
    3. Object Navigation Pane
    4. Access Work Surface
    5. Access Options Dialog Box
    6. Object Overview
      1. Tables
      2. Queries
      3. Forms
      4. Reports
      5. Macros and Modules
    7. Process Overview
    8. Exercise: Getting Around the Access Environment
    9. Create a Database Using a Wizard
  2. Fundamentals
    1. Questions to Ask Before You Start
      1. What is the purpose of the database?
      2. Who will use the database?
      3. What kind of output is needed from the database?
      4. What process is the database replacing or improving?
    2. Exercise: Asking Questions
    3. Approaches to Database Design
      1. Top-Down Database Design
      2. Bottom-Up Database Design
      3. Reality
    4. Gather Information
      1. Data Mapping
      2. Sample Data Map
    5. A Few Words about Naming Conventions
    6. Exercise: Gathering Information
    7. Normalization
      1. First Normal Form
      2. Second Normal Form
      3. Third Normal Form
    8. Table Relationships
      1. Relationship Types
    9. Exercise: Normalizing Data
  3. Tables and Their Views
    1. Definition and Purpose
    2. Datasheet View
      1. Selection Tools
      2. Table Layout Tools
      3. Sorting and Filtering Tools
      4. Print Records
      5. Record Navigation
      6. Working in Datasheet View
    3. Exercise: Working with Tables in Datasheet View
    4. Design View
      1. Open a Table in Design View
      2. Design View Layout
  4. Tables
    1. Creating an Access Database
    2. Exercise: Creating a New Database
    3. Data Types
    4. Exercise: Determining Data Types
    5. Create a Table in Design View
      1. Delete a Field
      2. Rename a Table
    6. Exercise: Creating a Table in Design View
  5. Queries
    1. Queries
      1. Definition and Purpose
      2. Types
    2. Select Queries
    3. Select Queries with Criteria
    4. Logical Operators
    5. Group and Total with Queries
      1. Totals Row with Group By
    6. Exercise: Creating Select Queries
  6. Forms
    1. Forms
      1. Definition and Purpose
    2. Alter a Form
    3. Exercise: Adding Data Records in Form View
    4. Form Record Navigation
    5. Layout View and Design View
    6. One-Click Forms
      1. Basic Data Entry Form
      2. Basic Multi-Record Form
      3. Datasheet Form
      4. Split Form
    7. Form Wizard
      1. Create a Form with the Form Wizard
    8. Exercise: Creating a Form with the Form Wizard
  7. Reports
    1. Reports
      1. Definition and Purpose
      3. One-Click Report
    2. Report Wizard
      1. Create a Report Using the Report Wizard
    3. Exercise: Creating a Report with the Report Wizard

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Microsoft Access class:

  • Familiarity with using a personal computer, mouse, and keyboard.
  • Comfortable in the Windows environment.
  • Ability to launch and close programs; navigate to information stored on the computer; and manage files and folders.
Follow-on Courses
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Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.