MongoDB for Administrators Training

Course duration

  • 2 days

Course Benefits

  • Obtain an overview of the NoSQL landscape.
  • Learn about MongoDB value proposition.
  • MongoDB architecture.
  • Learn to install and configure MongoDB.
  • Learn essential system administration.
  • Learn to develop solutions in Java.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to MongoDB
    1. MongoDB
    2. MongoDB Features
    3. MongoDB on the Web
    4. Positioning of MongoDB
    5. MongoDB Applications
    6. MongoDB Data Model
    7. MongoDB Limitations
    8. MongoDB Use Cases
    9. MongoDB Query Language (QL)
    10. The CRUD Operations
    11. The
    12. find
    13. Method
    14. The
    15. findOne
    16. Method
    17. A MongoDB Query Language (QL) Example
    18. Inserts
    19. MongoDB vs Apache CouchDB
    20. Summary
  2. MongoDB Data Model
    1. The BSON Data Format
    2. Database Terminology
    3. MongoDB Data Model
    4. The _id Primary Key Filed Considerations
    5. Indexes
    6. (Traditional) Data Modeling in RDBMS
    7. Data Modeling in MongoDB
    8. An Example of a Data Model in MongoDB
    9. MongoDB Data Modeling
    10. A Sample JSON Document Matching the Schema
    11. To Normalize or Denormalize?
    12. MongoDB Limitations
    13. Data Lifecycle Management
    14. Data Lifecycle Management: TTL
    15. Data Lifecycle Management: Capped Collections
    16. Summary
  3. MongoDB Architecture
    1. MongoDB Nexus Architecture
    2. Blending the Best of Both Worlds
    3. What Makes MongoDB Fast?
    4. Pluggable Storage Engines
    5. Data Sharding
    6. Sharding in MongoDB
    7. Data Replication
    8. A Sample Sharded Cluster Diagram
    9. GridFS
    10. Getting a File from GridFS
    11. MongoDB Security
    12. Authentication
    13. Data and Network Encryption
    14. Summary
  4. MongoDB Administration
    1. The Admin Shell
    2. Getting Help
    3. Admin Commands
    4. Starting MongoDB
    5. The mongod Web UI
    6. Running MongoDB JavaScript Scripts
    7. Shell Helper to JavaScript Equivalent Map
    8. A MongoDB Script Example
    9. Connecting to MongoDB
    10. User Authentication
    11. Authentication Options
    12. Import / Export Operations
    13. MongoDB Extended JSON and Strict Mode
    14. Examples of Strict Mode Encoding
    15. Examples of Data Import / Export
    16. The Robo3T (formerly RoboMongo) Tool
    17. Robo3T Connections
    18. Connection Manager
    19. Viewing Databases, Collections and Documents
    20. Edit Capabilities
    21. Admin Shell
    22. Summary
  5. Working with Data in MongoDB
    1. Reading Data in MongoDB
    2. The Query Interface
    3. Query Syntax is Driver-Specific
    4. Projections
    5. Query and Projection Operators
    6. MongoDB Query to SQL Select Comparison
    7. Cursors
    8. Cursor Expiration
    9. Writing Data in MongoDB
    10. An Insert Operation Example
    11. The Update Operation
    12. An Update Operation Example
    13. A Remove Operation Example
    14. Limiting Return Data
    15. Data Sorting
    16. Aggregating Data
    17. Aggregation Stages
    18. Accumulators
    19. An Example of an Aggregation Pipe-line
    20. Map-Reduce
    21. Summary
  6. Indexes in MongoDB
    1. Indexes in MongoDB
    2. Creating an Index
    3. Listing Existing Indexes
    4. The Sort Order
    5. Using the Explain() Method
    6. Main Index Types
    7. The _id Field
    8. Single and Compound Indexes
    9. Multikey Indexes
    10. Other Index Types
    11. Index Properties
    12. Examples of Creating Indexes with Index Properties
    13. Summary
  7. Accessing MongoDB from Node.js
    1. Getting Started
    2. The Connection URL
    3. Obtaining a Collection
    4. Inserting Documents
    5. Updating a Document
    6. Querying for Documents
    7. Deleting a Document
    8. Connection Pooling
    9. Summary
  8. MongoDB Java Client
    1. Accessing MongoDB from a Java Client
    2. The MongoDB Java Driver
    3. Using the Synchronous Driver in a Java Application
    4. Connecting to MongoDB
    5. Connecting to a Standalone Instance
    6. Connection Options and the MongoClientURI
    7. Using MongoClientURI
    8. Connecting to a Replica Set
    9. Connecting to a Sharded Cluster
    10. Connection Configuration
    11. Connecting and Accessing a Collection
    12. Create a Collection
    13. Insert a Document
    14. Update
    15. Update Operators
    16. Read (Find)
    17. Read (Find) Multiple Documents
    18. Delete
    19. BSON Library
    20. Impedance Mismatch
    21. Morphia Object Mapper
    22. Setup
    23. Connecting
    24. Mapping
    25. Simple Mapping
    26. Saving Data
    27. Queries
    28. Summary
  9. Securing MongoDB
    1. Security Overview
    2. Your Mileage May Vary
    3. Security is Your Responsibility
    4. First Things First
    5. MongoDB Security
    6. A MongoDB Security Checklist
    7. Enable Access Control and Enforce Authentication
    8. Configure Role-Based Access Control
    9. Create an Admin User
    10. Create a Database User
    11. Enable Authentication
    12. Encrypt Communication
    13. Encrypt and Protect Data
    14. Limit Network Exposure
    15. Audit System Activity
    16. Run MongoDB with a Dedicated User
    17. Run MongoDB with Secure Configuration Options
    18. Compliance
    19. Summary
  10. MongoDB Ops Manager APIs
    1. Ops Manager Introduction
    2. Features
    3. Architecture
    4. Architecture Diagram
    5. The Public API
    6. Configure Public API Access
    7. Generating a Public API Key
    8. Managing Public API Keys
    9. API Whitelisting
    10. Quick Review of RESTful Services
    11. Supported HTTTP Methods
    12. Response Codes
    13. Optional Query Parameters
    14. Resource Categories
    15. Root
    16. Making a Request
    17. Root Example
    18. Pretty Print Example
    19. User (by name) Example
    20. Summary

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this MongoDB class:

  • Familiarity with Java programming and using Eclipse environment.
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