Introduction to Reporting in Cognos Analytics

Course duration

  • 2 days

Course Benefits

Course Outline

  1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    2. Overview of Studios
    3. New Studios and Features in IBM Cognos Analytics
  2. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics Portal
    1. IBM Cognos Analytics Portal
    2. Navigating the Portal
    3. Running and Saving Reports and Report Views
    4. Creating Folders
  3. Introduction to Reporting
    1. Definitions – Packages, Subjects, Measures, etc.
    2. The Reporting Interface
    3. Templates
    4. Create a List Report
    5. Add and Remove Data
    6. Changing Measure Aggregation Properties
    7. Grouping and Associated Features
    8. Set Rows per Page and Page Breaks
  4. Introduction to Crosstabs and Visualizations
    1. Crosstab Basics
    2. Swap Rows and Columns
    3. Create and Modify Visualizations/Charts
    4. Display Crosstabs and Charts in the Same Report
  5. Introduction to Filters
    1. Definitions
    2. Model and Custom Filters
    3. Creating, Editing and Removing Detail and Summary Filters
  6. Parameters and Prompts
    1. Definitions
    2. Create Prompts and Prompt Pages
    3. Multiple Prompts in a Single Report
    4. Cascading Prompts
  7. Calculations
    1. Define Calculations
    2. Subtotals
    3. Query and Layout Calculations
    4. Use Functions in Calculations
  8. Formatting
    1. Fonts and Styles
    2. Headers and Footers
    3. Sections
    4. Blocks, Tables and Graphics in Reports
    5. Reuse Objects
  9. Conditional Formatting
    1. The Condition Explorer
    2. Creating Boolean and String Conditional Formats
  10. Complex Reports
    1. Simple Dashboard Reports
    2. Reports with Multiple Packages
    3. Drill-Through Reports
    4. Use a Dimensional Source in a Report
  11. Saving and Scheduling Reports
    1. Save and Export Reports
    2. Using the Scheduler
    3. My subscriptions
  12. Summary

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Cognos class:

  • A basic knowledge of Windows, Internet Explorer, and browser techniques is expected.
Follow-on Courses
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