IBM Cognos Analytics - Creating Dashboards, Stories, Data Modules, and Explorations

Course duration

  • 2 days

Course Benefits

  • Learn to learn to work with IBM Cognos' Dashboards, Stories, Explorations, and Data Modules.

Course Outline

  1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    2. New Features
  2. Introduction to Dashboards
    1. What is a Dashboard
    2. Data Sources for Dashboards
    3. Data Modules, Packages, Uploaded Files
    4. Introduction to Predictive Presentations
    5. Creating a Dashboard
  3. Creating Complex Dashboards
    1. Multi-Page Dashboards
    2. Tabbed Dashboards
    3. Applying Filters
    4. Adding Calculations
    5. Applying Formatting to a Dashboard
  4. Deploying and Maintaining Dashboards
    1. Sharing Dashboards with Other Users
    2. Exporting Content
    3. Modifying Visualizations
    4. Updating Source Information in Dashboards
  5. Introduction to Stories
    1. What is a Story
    2. Story Requirements
    3. Differences between Stories and Dashboards
  6. Creating Stories
    1. Visualizations, Creating Scenes, Templates and Pinned Items
    2. Data Sources for Stories
  7. Creating a Multi-Scene Story
    1. Relationship between Scene Objects and Relationship between Scenes
    2. Add Media and Websites to a Scene
    3. Modify timelines in stories
  8. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    2. New Features
  9. Introduction to Stories
    1. What is a Story
    2. Story Requirements
    3. Differences between Stories and Dashboards
  10. Creating Simple Stories
    1. Creating and Designing Stories
    2. Importing Data for Stories
    3. Visualizations, Creating Scenes, Templates and Pinned Items
    4. Data Sources for Stories
  11. Creating a Multi-Scene Story
    1. Relationship between Scene Objects and Relationship between Scenes
    2. Add Media and Websites to a Scene
    3. Deploying Stories to Users
  12. Updating and Maintaining Stories
    1. Update Data Sources for Stories
    2. Modify Visualizations
  13. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    2. New Features
  14. Introduction to Explorations
    1. What is an Exploration
    2. Requirements for Explorations
    3. The interface and relationship diagram
    4. Upload files
    5. Use the Assistant
  15. Explore Data
    1. Create and pin visualizations
    2. Examine Badges
    3. Create Decision Trees and Key Driver Analysis
  16. Create Advanced Explorations
  17. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    1. Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics
    2. New Features
  18. Introduction to Data Modules
    1. What is a Data Module
    2. Requirements and Assumptions for Data Modules
    3. Data Sources
    4. Upload Files
    5. Create a simple module with an uploaded file
  19. Data Modules with Multiple Sources
    1. Why Use Multiple Data Files in a Data Module
    2. How to Add Multiple Files to a Data Module
    3. Understand Joins & Cardinality
    4. Assumptions in Multi-Source Data Modules
  20. Creating Calculations, Custom Groups and Navigation Path
    1. Create calculations
    2. Create custom groups
    3. Create and use navigation paths
  21. Using Data Modules in Reports & Dashboards
    1. Sharing Data Modules with Other Users
    2. Author Reports with Data Modules
    3. Create a Dashboard with a Data Module
  22. Maintaining Data Modules
    1. Updating Data Modules
    2. Updating Source Files
  23. Data Module Maintenance

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following would be useful for this Cognos class:

  • Some experience with IBM Cognos is recommended but not required. Basic knowledge of data analytics and reporting is helpful.
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