IT as an Agent of Change

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Gain an understanding the role of IT in organizational growth and change.
  • Gain knowledge of key industry change methodologies.
  • Learn a conceptual perspective to induce change within IT and the company in general.

Course Outline

  1. Initial Thoughts and Vocabulary
    1. Role of an Entrepreneur
    2. Needed Change Management Skills
    3. The Change Management Process
    4. Emotional Stages of Change
    5. Agents of Change
    6. Proper Communication
  2. Formal Change Methodology
    1. Lewin's Three Stage Model of Change
    2. Kotter's Eight Step Change Model
    3. Conditions for Effective Change
    4. John Fisher's Personal Transition Curve
    5. Organizational Renewal
  3. Changing IT
    1. Technological
    2. From Information Technology (IT) to Business Technology (BT)
    3. Organizational Realignment
    4. Legal and Regulatory
  4. Changing the Company
    1. Process Automation
    2. Thought Leadership
    3. Platform Replacement

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Since its founding in 1995, InterSource has been providing high quality and highly customized training solutions to clients worldwide. With over 500 course titles constantly updated and numerous course customization and creation possibilities, we have the capability to meet your I.T. training needs.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.