Structured FrameMaker: Building Structured Applications

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn to build structured applications in FrameMaker

Course Outline

  1. Building Structured Applications
    1. Reviewing basic XML conversion
      1. Setting the structured application
      2. Saving a file to XML
      3. Importing an XML file into FrameMaker
    2. Setting up EDDs and DTDs
      1. Creating an EDD from a DTD
      2. Creating a DTD from an EDD
      3. Correcting parsing errors
      4. Updating an EDD with DTD information
    3. Setting up your structured application in FrameMaker
      1. Creating a template for a structured application
      2. Creating a TechDoc DTD
      3. Copying needed files to an application directory
      4. Setting up the application
      5. Testing the conversion
      6. Correcting conversion errors
    4. Creating read/write rules in FrameMaker
      1. Creating a new read/write rules file
      2. Adding new read/write rules
      3. Checking read/write rules
    5. Controlling graphic output in FrameMaker
      1. Modifying the Para definition in the DTD to allow graphics
      2. Controlling graphic conversion
      3. Controlling the DPI of converted graphics
    6. Controlling table conversion in FrameMaker
      1. Modifying the DTD for table conversion
      2. Modifying the read/write rules for tables
    7. Converting books in FrameMaker
      1. Converting a book file to XML
      2. Modifying the read/write rules for book round-tripping

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this FrameMaker class:

  • Experience with authoring unstructured documents in FrameMaker
  • XML
  • EDD
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