Structured FrameMaker Training: Introduction to Authoring

Course duration

  • 1 day

Course Benefits

  • Learn to author structured documents in Adobe FrameMaker

Course Outline

  1. Overview of FrameMaker
    1. Introduction
    2. Module Objectives
    3. How to Think about FrameMaker
    4. FrameMaker Features
  2. Documents
    1. Module Objectives
    2. Starting FrameMaker and Opening a Sample File
    3. Saving Documents
    4. Zooming the Document
    5. Using View Menu Commands
    6. Changing Pages
    7. Printing Documents
    8. Closing and Saving Documents
    9. Deleting Documents
  3. Document Structure
    1. FrameMaker Document Pages, Formatting, and Structure
    2. Download Course Data Files
    3. Structure Characteristics
    4. Manipulating Elements
    5. Parent, Child, Sibling, Ancestor, and Descendant Relationships
    6. Viewing Attributes
    7. The Element Catalog
    8. Structure Terms
  4. Editing Text
    1. Adding and Deleting
    2. Selecting and Changing
    3. Clear and Undo Commands
    4. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
    5. Smart Spaces and Smart Quotes
    6. Special Characters
    7. Spelling Checker
    8. Find and Change
  5. Editing Structure
    1. Manipulating Elements
    2. Importing Structured Content
    3. Moving Elements
    4. Wrapping and Unwrapping Elements
    5. Merging and Splitting Elements
  6. Attributes
    1. Working with Attributes
    2. Inserting New Elements and Attributes
    3. Recognizing and Correcting Attributes with Errors
  7. Validation
    1. Validating a Document's Structure
    2. Special Cases for Elements and Attributes
  8. New Documents and Structure Shortcuts
    1. Creating Structured Documents
  9. Cross-references, Variables, and Footnote Elements
    1. Cross-references
    2. Variables
    3. Footnotes
  10. Anchored Frames and Imported Graphics
    1. Graphic Elements
    2. Adding Graphics
  11. Tables
    1. Using Tables
    2. Moving Around in a Table
    3. Selecting Parts of a Table
    4. Column Width and Row Height
    5. Modifying Table Structure
    6. Custom Cell Formatting
  12. Generating a Book, Tables of Contents, and Indexes
    1. Creating a Book
    2. Generating a Table of Contents
    3. Updating a Book
    4. Marking Text for an Index
    5. Numbering and Pagination in a Book

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this FrameMaker class:

  • Experience with authoring unstructured documents in FrameMaker

Experience in the following would be useful for this FrameMaker class:

  • XML
Prerequisite Courses

Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:

Follow-on Courses
Since its founding in 1995, InterSource has been providing high quality and highly customized training solutions to clients worldwide. With over 500 course titles constantly updated and numerous course customization and creation possibilities, we have the capability to meet your I.T. training needs.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.