Ansible Training

Course duration

Course Benefits

  • Learn the fundamentals of Ansible.

Course Outline

  1. Ansible Overview
    1. Why Ansible?
    2. Overview of Architecture
    3. QUIZ: Architecture
    4. Inventory
    5. Inventory Patterns
    6. Inventory Plugins
    7. QUIZ: Inventory and Patterns
    8. DEMO: Introducing Ansible
  2. Deploying Ansible
    1. Installing
    2. DEMO: Installing Ansible
    3. Configuration Files
    4. DEMO: Configuration Files
    5. Module Syntax Help
    6. Running Ad Hoc Commands
    7. DEMO: Running Ad Hoc Commands
    8. Dynamic Inventory
    9. DEMO: Dynamic Inventory
    10. Lab Tasks
      1. Deploying Ansible
      2. Ad Hoc Commands
      3. Dynamic Inventories
  3. Playbooks Basics
    1. Writing YAML Files
    2. Playbook Structure
    3. Host and Task Execution Order
    4. Command Modules
    5. Significant Module Categories
    6. File Manipulation
    7. Network Modules
    8. Packaging Modules
    9. System Storage
    10. Account Management
    11. Security
    12. Services
    13. DEMO: Playbooks
    14. Lab Tasks
      1. Playbook Basics
      2. Playbooks: Command Modules
      3. Playbooks: Common Modules
  4. Variables and Inclusions
    1. Variables
    2. Variables - Playbooks
    3. Variables - Inventory
    4. Variables - Registered
    5. Facts
    6. DEMO: Facts
    7. Inclusions
    8. Lab Tasks
      1. Variables and Facts
      2. Inclusions
  5. Jinja2 Templates
    1. Jinja2
    2. Expressions
    3. QUIZ: Jinja2 Templates
    4. Filters
    5. Tests
    6. Lookups
    7. Control Structures
    8. DEMO: Jinja2 Templates
    9. Lab Tasks
      1. Jinja2 Templates
      2. Jinja2 Templates
  6. Task Control
    1. Loops
    2. Loops (cont.)
    3. Loops and Variables
    4. DEMO: Constructing Flow Control
    5. Conditionals
    6. DEMO: Conditionals
    7. Handlers
    8. Tags
    9. Handling Errors
    10. Lab Tasks
      1. Task Control
  7. Roles
    1. Roles
    2. Role Usage Details
    3. QUIZ: Role Structure
    4. Creating Roles
    5. Deploying Roles with Ansible Galaxy
    6. DEMO: Deploying Roles with Ansible Galaxy
    7. Lab Tasks
      1. Converting Playbooks to Roles
      2. Creating Roles from Scratch
      3. Ansible Galaxy Roles
  8. Ansible Vault
    1. Configuring Ansible Vault
    2. Vault IDs
    3. Executing with Ansible Vault
    4. DEMO: Configuring Ansible Vault
    5. Lab Tasks
      1. Ansible Vault

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this DevOps class:

  • Experience with Linux shell, text editing, and basic systems administration needed.
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