DevOps Boot Camp Training

Course duration

Course Benefits

  • Learn what DevOps is.
  • Learn to implement continuous integration.
  • Use version control and integrate it with continuous integration tools
  • Learn configuration management and infrastructure-as-code.
  • Learn automation with shell scripting and other scripting languages.
  • Learn to implement continuous monitoring.
  • Learn to implement continuous quality.
  • Learn about containerization.

Course Outline

  1. What is DevOps
    1. Dev and Ops Views
    2. Leading By Example ...
    3. What is DevOps?
    4. More DevOps Definitions
    5. DevOps and Software Delivery Life Cycle
    6. Main DevOps' Objectives
    7. The Term "DevOps" is Evolving!
    8. Infrastructure as Code
    9. Agile IT in the Cloud
    10. DevOps on the Cloud
    11. Prerequisites for DevOps Success
    12. Alignment with the Business Needs
    13. Collaborative Development
    14. Continuous Testing and Integration
    15. Continuous Release and Deployment
    16. Continuous Application Monitoring
    17. Benefits of DevOps
    18. What is Involved in DevOps
    19. Summary
  2. Configuration Management
    1. What is Chef?
    2. Benefits of Infrastructure-as-Code
    3. Chef - Sample Usages
    4. Deployment / License
    5. Who uses Chef
    6. Chef Architecture
    7. Chef Components
    8. Workstation
    9. Recipe
    10. Cookbook
    11. Ruby
    12. Knife
    13. Node
    14. Chef-client
    15. Chef Server
    16. Chef Analytics
    17. Chef Supermarket
    18. Salient Features of Chef
    19. Supported Platforms
    20. Chef Components
    21. Chef Server prerequisites
    22. Install Configuration Scenarios
    23. Standalone Installation
    24. Installing Optional Chef Server Components
    25. Workstation
    26. Chef DK
    27. Chef DK Prerequisites
    28. Chef Repository
    29. Installing Chef DK
    30. Ohai
    31. Ohai Attributes
    32. Cookbooks
    33. Components of a Cookbook
    34. Metadata
    35. Recipes
    36. Resources
    37. Directory Resource
    38. Package Resource
    39. Service Resource
    40. File Resource
    41. Script Resource
    42. User Resource
    43. Additional Chef Advanced Features
    44. Summary
  3. Distributed Version Control
    1. What is Version Control
    2. History of Version Control
    3. "Undo" Capability
    4. Collaboration
    5. Communication and Sharing
    6. Auditing and Tracking
    7. Release Engineering, Maintenance, SDLC
    8. Diagnostics
    9. Distributed Version Control
    10. Integrating Version Control into Jenkins
    11. What is Git
    12. Git's Design Goals
    13. Branching and Merging
    14. Centralized Version Control
    15. Distributed Version Control
    16. Git Basics
    17. Getting Git
    18. Git on the Server
    19. Git Repository Managers
    20. Git on Somebody Else's Server
    21. Using Git
    22. Definitions
    23. Commit
    24. Commit (continued)
    25. How to Think About Commits
    26. Viewing History
    27. Configuring Git
    28. Configuration Scope
    29. User Identification
    30. GPG Signing
    31. Gnu Privacy Guard
    32. GPG Basics
    33. GPG and Git
    34. .gitignore
    35. Other Useful Configurations
    36. Summary
  4. Enterprise Version Control
    1. SVN
    2. SVN vs CVS
    3. SVN Installation
    4. SVN Life Cycle
    5. Some Useful Commands
    6. Some Useful Commands (Contd.)
    7. Perforce
    8. Important Perforce Terms
    9. Perforce Clients
    10. Mercurial
    11. Installation
    12. Some Useful Commands
    13. Some Useful Commands (Contd.)
    14. Team Foundation Version Control
    15. TFVC Workspaces
    16. TFVC Capablities
    17. Atomic Check-In
    18. Check-In Policies
    19. Shelving
    20. Team Visibility
    21. Locks
    22. Labeling
    23. Branching
    24. Branch Visualization and Tracking
    25. Cross-Platform Support
    26. Disconnected Work
    27. Summary
  5. Continuous Integration and Delivery Tools, Technology and Process
    1. What is Continuous Integration
    2. Integration Tools
    3. Typical Setup for Continuous Integration
    4. Jenkins Continuous Integration
    5. Jenkins Features
    6. Running Jenkins
    7. Jenkins Integration with various Version Control Solutions
    8. Jenkins Job
    9. Apache Maven
    10. Goals of Maven
    11. What is Apache Maven?
    12. Why Use Apache Maven?
    13. The Maven EcoSystem
    14. Consistent Easy-to-Understand Project Layout
    15. Convention Over Configuration
    16. Maven is Different
    17. Maven Projects have a Standardized Build
    18. Effect of Convention Over Configuration
    19. Importance of Plugins
    20. A Key Point on Maven!
    21. Summary
  6. Continuous Code Quality
    1. Continuous Code Quality
    2. What is SonarQube
    3. SonarQube - Benefits
    4. SonarQube (Multilingual)
    5. Seven Axes of Quality
    6. Potential Bugs
    7. Tests
    8. Comments and Duplication
    9. Architecture and Design
    10. Complexity
    11. SonarQube Installation
    12. SonarQube Components
    13. Code Quality (LOC, Code Smells)
    14. Code Quality (Project Files)
    15. Code Quality (Code)
    16. Summary
  7. Automation - Scripting
    1. Why Automate
    2. When to Automate
    3. Goals for Scripting
    4. Error Handling
    5. Logging
    6. Automating Versioned Builds
    7. Automating Deployment
    8. Automating Continuous Integration Tests
    9. Automated Cleanup
    10. Introduction to Shell Scripts
    11. Basic Shell Script
    12. Return Status
    13. Variables
    14. Special Variables
    15. Arrays
    16. Operators
    17. Conditional Statements
    18. Conditional Statements (contd.)
    19. Loops
    20. Loops - while
    21. Loops - for
    22. Loops - until
    23. Loops - select
    24. Summary
  8. Monitoring
    1. What is Continuous Monitoring
    2. Monitoring Tools
    3. Dynatrace Application Monitoring
    4. Dynatrace Application Monitoring (contd.)
    5. Dynatrace Application Monitoring
    6. Splunk
    7. Splunk Functionalities
    8. Splunk Searching
    9. Splunk Functions
    10. Nagios
    11. Nagios (contd.)
    12. Nagios - Installation
    13. Nagios - Hosts
    14. Nagios - Web User Interface (Hosts)
    15. Nagios - Monitoring Services
    16. Monitoring HTTP
    17. Monitoring FTP
    18. Monitoring SSH
    19. Monitoring SMTP
    20. Monitoring POP3
    21. Monitoring IMAP
    22. Summary
  9. Containerization
    1. Containerization (Virtualization)
    2. Hypervisors
    3. Hypervisor Types
    4. Type 1 hypervisors
    5. Type 2 hypervisors
    6. Type 1 vs Type 2 Processing
    7. Paravirtualization
    8. Virtualization Qualities (1/2)
    9. Virtualization Qualities (2/2)
    10. Disadvantages of Virtualization
    11. Containerization
    12. Virtualization vs Containerization
    13. Where to Use Virtualization and Containerization
    14. Popular Containerization Systems
    15. What are Linux Containers
    16. Docker
    17. OpenVZ
    18. Solaris Zones (Containers)
    19. What is Docker
    20. Where Can I Ran Docker?
    21. Docker and Containerization on Linux
    22. Linux Kernel Features: cgroups and namespaces
    23. The Docker-Linux Kernel Interfaces
    24. Docker Containers vs Traditional Virtualization
    25. Docker as Platform-as-a-Service
    26. Docker Integration
    27. Docker Services
    28. Docker Application Container Public Repository
    29. Competing Systems
    30. Docker Command-line
    31. Starting, Inspecting, and Stopping Docker Containers
    32. Docker Benefits
    33. Summary
  10. Collaboration
    1. What is JIRA?
    2. License
    3. JIRA Technical Specifications
    4. Issues
    5. Who uses JIRA
    6. JIRA Products
    7. JIRA Core
    8. JIRA Software
    9. JIRA Service Desk
    10. What a typical project involves?
    11. JIRA Integration
    12. Integrating JIRA into Jenkins
    13. Summary
  11. DevOps - The Journey
    1. Agile Development
    2. Typical Setup for Continuous Integration
    3. DevOps in the Enterprise
    4. Scaling DevOps
    5. Scaling DevOps (Organization Structure)
    6. Scaling DevOps (Locality)
    7. Scaling DevOps (Team Flexiblity)
    8. Scaling DevOps (Teams: Hiring as Scaling)
    9. Scaling DevOps (Teams: Employee Retention)
    10. DevOps Myths
    11. DevOps Anti-Patterns (Blame Culture)
    12. DevOps Anti-Patterns (Silos)
    13. DevOps Anti-Patterns (Root Cause Analysis)
    14. DevOps Anti-Patterns (Human Error)
    15. DevOps Patterns For Success
    16. DevOps Patterns For Success (Cloud)
    17. DevOps Patterns For Success (Automation)
    18. DevOps Patterns For Success (Culture)
    19. Summary
Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this DevOps class:

  • Foundational knowledge of the software delivery problem domain.

Experience in the following would be useful for this DevOps class:

  • Some knowledge of executing Linux shell commands.
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