Project Online for End Users

Course duration

  • 2 days

Course Benefits

  • Learn to publish a plan.
  • Learn to navigate and view a plan online.
  • Learn to manage risks and issues.
  • Learn to manage resources.
  • Learn to track progress.

Course Outline

  1. Components of a Project
    1. Project Components
    2. Demo and Exercise Projects Used in This Course
      1. Demo Case Study
      2. Exercise Case Study
  2. Getting around Microsoft Project 2016
    1. Starting Project
    2. The Ribbon
      1. Tabs
      2. Groups
      3. Commands
      4. Hiding the Ribbon
    3. The Backstage View
      1. Save, Save as, Open, Close
      2. Info
      3. Recent
      4. New
      5. Print
      6. Save & Send
      7. Help
      8. Options
      9. Exit
    4. Tour of the Quick Access Toolbar
      1. Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
    5. Basic Formatting
      1. Clipboard Group
  3. Calendars
    1. Project Calendar Start Date
      1. Setting Project to Auto Schedule New Tasks
      2. Setting the Start Date
    2. Creating a Project Calendar
      1. Custom Project Calendars
      2. Connecting a Calendar to a Project
  4. Working with Tasks
    1. Creating a Task
      1. Creating Summary Tasks
    2. Entering Durations
    3. Scheduling Tasks
    4. Milestone Tasks
    5. Linking Tasks
    6. Adding Notes to Tasks
  5. Creating and Working with Resources
    1. The Resource Sheet
      1. Entering Work Resources
      2. Entering Material Resources
      3. Entering Cost Resources
    2. Assigning Resources to Tasks
  6. Managing a Project
    1. Viewing a Project
    2. Reviewing and Making Adjustments to a Project
      1. The Project Timeline
      2. The Project Calendar
      3. Adjusting Tasks
    3. Setting a Baseline
    4. Viewing the Baseline
    5. Recording Progress
    6. Reporting on Projects
  7. The Publishing Process
  8. Site Navigation
    2. Tasks
    3. Approvals
    4. Status
    5. Time Sheets
  9. Risks and Issues
    1. Create
    2. Review
    3. Approve/Reject
  10. Building Teams
    1. Creating Teams
    2. Using Teams
  11. Tracking Progress Process
    1. Submitting a Timesheet
    2. Approving a Timesheet
    3. Manually Adjusting a Task
  12. Creating Using Project Web App (PWA) Site

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Follow-on Courses
Since its founding in 1995, InterSource has been providing high quality and highly customized training solutions to clients worldwide. With over 500 course titles constantly updated and numerous course customization and creation possibilities, we have the capability to meet your I.T. training needs.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.